Raise Your Hand Texas

Raise Your Hand Texas



About Us

Raise Your Hand Texas is a non-partisan nonprofit organization supporting public policy solutions that invest in Texas’ 5.4 million public school students. We envision a world-class public school system that fuels a brighter public future for all Texans. Our statewide advocacy team works in communities throughout the state to raise the voices of parents, teachers, community leaders, business owners, and students who care about the future of public education. Our advocacy work and your voices, alongside current research, inform the policy recommendations we make to Texas lawmakers.
In 2006, Charles Butt and a group of engaged citizens founded Raise Your Hand with a belief that public dollars should stay in public schools. At the time, the group recognized that Texas public education, an essential investment offered to all Texas families and their children, was under attack by those who sought to dismantle this constitutionally guaranteed public good.
Today, Raise Your Hand Texas continues to fight for Texans’ right to a free, high-quality public school experience for every child. To support this, we have established seven core policy priorities that guide our long-term work across Texas and at the Texas Capitol, strengthening and supporting public schools in Texas.


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Printed courtesy of www.unitedcorpuschristi.org – Contact the United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce for more information.
602 N. Staples Street, Ste. 150, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 – (361) 881-1800 – info@unitedcorpuschristi.org